6 AUGUST 2020
In rescinding illegal eviction on the grounds of illegal technicalities misrepresentation of contract in inchoate offences fraud, while no court nor judicial conduct investigations office protected my rights nor enforced my rights in the summary of any section to the Eviction Act 1977, although I complained about fraud whilst the crimes were in progress without fear of reprisals corruption.
The corrupt Towns Council (CCTV), corrupt Avon & Somerset Constabulary, corrupt Bath High Court, and all other agencies and organisations plus FIRST BUS Company just too corrupt. Nobody but NHS England and BUPA (Financial Ombudsman) are the only people that care. Remember its 28 people a day that go missing in Bath and North East Somerset, of that over 6K a year end up officially declared dead after seven and a half years of being missing people.
I have friends that have been raped here in Bath in the past, and had to have abortions, friends that were abused as kids. I also have murdered friends and missing friends too. If you consider the mess these rapists, that are also liars and murderers, make. You will understand that they need young mens clothes to change into. Plus they enjoy torturing them, of a few friends that are missing still. Rotting flesh is room temperature for a few days to turn into a particular CANCER group. Along, with asses full of lunch and dinner plus whatever other diseases the victims might have. A capital crime too to the farm land of it in sex offenders...Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2020 at 3:59 AMFrom: "Elkana" <elkana@mail.com>To: public.enquiries@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk, washington.field@ic.fbi.gov, haveyoursay@bbc.co.uk, news@the-sun.co.uk, news-sm@the-sun.co.uk, haveyoursay@hmicfrs.gov.uk, i247@interpol.int, i247@gs.igcs.int, hcenquiries@parliament.uk, natodoc@hq.nato.int, communication@nca.gov.uk, contact@actionfraud.police.uk, communication@nca.x.gsi.gov.uk, air-cospers-polsctgpmlbx@mod.uk, navylegal-caseworkmailbox@mod.uk, apsg-armyscsec-group@mod.gov.uk, av-bath.mc@hmcts.gsi.gov.ukSubject: INCIDENTS (PURGE)TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN,YESTERDAY EVENING INTO THE EARLY HOURS OF THIS MORNING WAS FULL OF INCIDENTS. THIS PURGE CONSISTS OF YOUNG WOMEN AND SOME YOUNG MALES FOR VICTIMS THAT MAY WELL GO UNREPORTED FOR A WHILE AND COLD CASES AT BEST BUT THERE WILL BE SOME LIKE THE CCTV FOOTAGE OF WHICH I AM IN AS A WITNESS JUST FURTHER UP NEAR SCHWARTZ.Schwartz Bros, 4 Saw Cl, Bath BA1 1EYI THOUGHT THEY WERE GOING TO RAPE HER THERE ON THE PAVEMENT AFTER THEY HAD FINISHED BEATING HER TO THE GROUND OUTSIDE SAINSBURYS LOCAL. THE TWO STUDENT LOOKING MALES PHYSICALLY HURT HER AND SHE MADE LOADS OF NOISE BUT LOST HER BAG.THERE WAS AN ABANDONED MOUNTAIN BIKE NEXT TO ME SMASHED UP ON THE FLOOR. SOMEONE BEHIND ME FROM THE CASINO/HOTEL SMOKING PLUS A EUROPEAN WHITE MALE FURTHER UP NEAR GASCOYNE PLACE ON HIS MOBILE.SHE GOT AWAY BUT WITHOUT HER BAG. A LATE BUS PULLED UP 3:00 AM OUTSIDE BOSTON TEA PARTY AND THE TWO WHITE STUDENT MALES NOW ON THEIR MOBILES LEFT ON THE BUS.MORE ABANDONED HANDBAGS AND RUCK SACKS THROUGH OUT THE CITY CENTER. BIKES AND BRAS ETC.THESE SERIOUS LUNATICS ARE DOING ROBBERIES, RAPES AND MURDERS.THEY WILL DO THIS TO CHILDREN TOO.THE AIR ITSELF WAS ICKY HORRIBLE TO MY EYES AND NOSE PLUS LOUD AND IRRITATING IN A CREEPY HELLISH WAY.THERE'S GOING TO BE A VAST AMOUNT OF CCTV FOOTAGE THAT COVERS A WIDE SPECTRUM OF ALL PLAINTIFFS AND DEFENDANTS THROUGHOUT THE NIGHT BEFORE THE BARS CLOSED.THERE'S A LAD FROM JULIAN HOUSE HOMELESS SHELTER ON MANVERS STREET WHO I BELIEVE IS ALSO A VICTIM AS I NOTICED HIS BIKE ABANDONED OUTSIDE THE THREE MOBILE SHOP. I HAVE BROUGHT IT UP TO BARNABUS HOUSE; WHICH IS OWNED BY THE JULIAN HOUSE CHARITY, AS IT DOESN'T HAVE A LOCK.SINCERELYFRANK MALCOLM KEMBERY (ELKANA)ROOM 72 BLADUD BUILDINGSBARNABUS HOUSEBATHBA1 5LSUNITED KINGDOM--------------------------------------Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2020 at 4:47 PMFrom: "Elkana" <elkana@mail.com>To: standardsunit@justice-ni.x.gsi.gov.uk, AskDOJ@usdoj.gov, dojweb@justice-ni.x.gsi.gov.uk, washington.field@ic.fbi.govSubject: Fw: INCIDENTS (PURGE)To whom it may concern,FWD of correspondence. Truth and formal complaint.I had already informed FBI HQ that I was discharged. The other details seem patronising and or condescending but none the less its to do with my rights.SincerelyFrank Malcolm Kembery (Elkana)Room 72 Bladud BuildingsBarnabus HouseBathBA1 5LSUnited KingdomSent: Thursday, August 13, 2020 at 4:31 PMFrom: "Elkana" <elkana@mail.com>To: public.enquiries@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk, haveyoursay@hmicfrs.gov.uk, av-bath.mc@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk, enquiries@supremecourt.uk, england.contactus@nhs.net, england.legal@nhs.net, enquiries@policeconduct.gov.uk, haveyoursay@bbc.co.uk, news@the-sun.co.uk, news-sm@the-sun.co.ukSubject: INCIDENTS (PURGE)To whom it may concern in the SUPREME COURT and HMCTS ETC.,The INCIDENT(S) 3:59 AM 6 August 2020 CCTV. I am awaiting a witness summons still but if HMCTS prefers POL FEDS corrupt (NEGLECTS FRAUD) diagnosis instead of what the HOME OFFICE officially knows about me via Royal United Hospital, AWP Mental Health and or PALS (FOI).I HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AGAIN FOR SOME TIME NOW. TO MANAGE MY MOOD DISORDER VIA MY GENERAL PRACTITIONER.I also await a witness summons in relation to my public enquiry (LOG 752) Reference: T682/18 — IPCC Reference 2016/060568 (18-22 January 2016) HOMICIDES AND FRAUDS (CONSPIRACY TO CORRUPT).SincerelyFrank Malcolm Kembery (Elkana)Room 72 Bladud BuildingsBarnabus HouseBathBA1 5LSIf you require better material evidences of these emails then visit my MEDIAFIRE folder, AUGUST 6TH 2020, for PDF format versions.http://www.mediafire.com/folder/3budh8fcqjobq/AUGUST_6TH_2020
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