What about the Safeguarding Adults Section 42 enquiry?

Local authorities are meant to make enquiries reasonably positively, not negatively or in the cause of business that is of others and favours they are all meant to stay out of, especially, in secrecy to be unreasonably suspect of mens tea and actus reus fraud and homicides, when adults who meet the criteria resolutions remedy is put to risk instead for the mistreatment of an abuse of process and exacerbated neglect, in deceit and non-disclosure. In health professionals that don’t care and are of motives in assistances instead of motivation and caring, who already know me, without a clinical enquiry needing large scale investigations, and was best placed to begin years ago, following the discussion with the local authority about my homelessness due to illegal eviction via fraud of court. I am not lacking capacity nor have substantial difficulty in understanding my own public enquiry reference T682/18 even before initiating the formal enquiry that requires the legal standards of your own under Section 42, without conflicting with mine negatively like you find it humouring right through to a much more impact of your multi-agency plot against me in not taking the right course of action for misguidances misrepresentation of the contract. 


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