Mentally Ill Health
Why should you be forgetful phoniness in denial so you can feel helpless but need help helping out unnecessarily in your disagreement, which is dissociative of your fraud in the rules, as you are mentally ill instead of mentally healthy professionals?
The Local authority and Curo Places Limited ICO fine 3% of 62 million pounds a year, which is sorta 2 million pounds. But, the separate entities default on a penalty to be condemned monthly at £60,000, which is about £720,000 a year. This point is only a GDPR fine and does not attempt to estimate the protection bill invalidation of public liability and other fines related to fraud offences in aggravated fraud inchoate offences fraud of court that illegally evicted me and left me unfairly cheated by misguided conditions of breaking Level 2 Safeguarding rules in Section 42, in deceit, neglect and nondisclosure without the right to secrecy plus inheritance fraud of my dead mum’s social housing property probate and Council taxes fraud, missing peoples of August 6th 2020, terminated obligations, inequality, and interference of goods act which may as well be more than 1 million pounds a year every year that their extremism is irresolutely dissociative in serious wrongdoing of inflation.
I have informed a local psychiatrist that was a former doctor of mine more than 15 years ago and my previous tutor who is a Professor of Psychology at Bath University that a psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker (AMHP), and a solicitor are required to execute a proportionate amount of mental health act assessments and detentions, and mental capacity act assessments and detentions, community treatment order assessments and detentions plus deprivation of liberty Safeguards assessments and detentions for workplace restrictions at the local authority because of their denial for my Home Office public enquiries and my probate complaints to HMCTS for how the local authority invalidated their protection bill by breaking Level 2 Safeguarding rules, and breaching public liability in fraud regarding aggravated fraud inchoate offences fraud of court that illegally evicted me, and in their deceit, and neglect plus nondisclosure without the right to secrecy plus inheritance fraud and Council taxes fraud as well as the GDPR fines they default in the penalties of to be refined successively. In making the sensation of the local authority perception and range of intelligence in the type of closure and proximity strange inferior complex that’s not intelligent in all their fraud, which is extremely dissociative wrongdoing, and of inflation. I suppose you realise that Curo Places Limited will become a State Owned Enterprise once inflation is on target in £5 Billion pounds worth of debt. The Government already owns a percentage of Sommer Housing due to its defaults debts and once the U.K. market crashes, too, and Parliament exits in 40% redundancies because of fines, penalties and sanctions with the likes of Crown court officially declaring missing people as dead sorta around the same time then they will be cross-examined for homicides in their fraud plus Parliament can recover all the debts in 40% of Curo Places Limited net worth to be an SOE, as Parliament will own more than 40%. Seeing as Rt Hon Sajid Javid wants his social care reform and funding to work out properly in Brexit and COVID-19 what with my formal request for an OCA evidence-based practice review because of my membership to the British Psychological Society and these upcoming responses plus the Joint Committee of MPs (Secretary’s of State) & Lords (IPT) calling for evidence as well in the (OCA review of evidence-based practice) on the Draft Mental Health Bill, reform intentions for the Mental Health Act. This will all be going on unless the local authority surrender to present a resolution instead of being irresolutely mad so they can ignore me in the impact of being refined and sanctioned.
Why can’t a psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker AMHP, and a solicitor execute the required amount of mental health act assessments and detentions and mental capacity act assessments and detentions, community treatment order assessments and detentions plus deprivation of liberty safeguards assessments and detentions for workplace restrictions at the local authority for how I have informed a local psychiatrist that was a former doctor of mine more than 15 years ago and my previous tutor who is a professor of psychology at Bath University as well as informed the Home Office and HMCTS via Twitter and emails @brucejonesw @Ravalier the @bathnes @Curo_Group @ASPolice invalidated their protection bill by breaking Level 2 rules, breaching public liability in fraud of aggravated fraud, deceit, neglect & nondisclosure plus inheritance fraud & taxes fraud & GDPR fines they default in the penalties of to be refined. @ukhomeoffice @HMCTSgovuk
I hope you are all sanctioned by the public sector insurer for misrepresenting your undertakings and condemned by the public sector insurer rather than commended by the public sector insurer, as the insurers order should outright object to refuse your claims to public liability cover, as you’ve invalidated your policy holdings protection bill, and violated me enough already quite frankly. You have not carried out duties relevant and proportionate to the misuse of issued funds in misinformation that can’t divert misrepresentation into eligibility declared. You are not unpublished and unlisted in suchlike Crown Court DOI false claims by false statements and dates in aggravated fraud inchoate offences fraud of County Court that applied for services of payments in expenses, and discounts if any plus exemptions that are not exempt. And, you have excessively neglected your successive tendering issues in misconceptions of my enquiries public liability for your successive tendering issues that has breached your public liability cover, while your conflicts of interest are in collusion with frauds inchoate offences fraud of court in aggravated fraud that may not deny the evidence. You are to blame as well in these red flag risks of causality scorn which is causations inferred programme failure in debts by the uncertainty of your insinuations duplicity in fraud of inchoate offences fraud of court in aggravated fraud, that’s s now becoming inheritance fraud in my dead Mum’s s probate still and Council Tax fraud as well.
Must you be such uncaring motives that are misrepresentative so you can become a state-owned enterprise with more than a 40% stakeholding and a potential 40% exit on those offending colleagues there?
What do you all think you're doing misrepresenting the public liability of denials liability intent in the chartered insurer for corporate governance's limited liability?
In 2011 I listened to and read the words of David Cameron who defined England as a statistical moral collapse because of a broken society exposed to criminalities as diseases, and the twisted morals of wickedness that’s full of sickly dishonest behaviour in bitterly prejudicial spiteful natures of negative manner acknowledged for illiteracy and dishonour that is as seriously false as foreign terrorists in their religious political agendas. The causality of scorn that predicates the fates of the innocent as an emergent causal effect of entropy's inferred programme failure by the uncertainty of insinuation and duplicity via under eased impositions needs to contract without any decrease for the improper use of rich, lazy, ignorant and vain rude, arrogant and incorrigible big boot breaches that won’t divorce in truths facts to avoid continued unrest of unkindness caused from being about as good as no good to destroy good homes for the poor by fraud for destitution beyond the pale of the right thing to do, whilst being citizens of belongingness in rights biased against such discriminations and superficialities of societal issues regarding race, gender and class. Fraud is the benighted realm where darkness stems from decisions of the spurious unworthy of assayed and allayed in the dialectical negation that’s invalid and indefensible; what is formed by opinions instead of facts is all but what is not and can’t plus won't in any persuasiveness because what is natural and honest is more important than what is abnormal and deceitful, as wrong arguments are mad and its hatred is unhelpful like its fear. Falsehoods constitute liars' for no progress in freedom from bullies that will never master the dynamics of an identity crisis with their notion of success. The failure of reformation is also a duality of our country's ecology while the method is staked and disrespected still by disobedience. Immaturity is trapped up in the torments of denial chattering amongst the fools of itself so nothing will be bettering all the unfeasible frauds in life-ruining everything in life for those that live in England.
They have divested Parliament in fraud and all of its applications that are mentally unwell uncaring motives of unprofessionals abusing the state and me with their joint enterprise of inchoate offences that won’t stop assisting each other in the country’s burden with fraud. It costs more than £1 Million pounds a year to keep disdainfully cheating me with the abusive conditions of this fraud via multiagency fraud.
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